Displaying items by tag: Denver

Monday, 28 September 2009 01:00

Color Belt Testing - Sept 26 2009

On Saturday, September 26th 2009, Trinity Taekwon-Do conducted its color belt testing.  With approximately 20 students participating in the exam, the results were on-par for their achievements.

Special recognition goes to Mr. Jason Eckardt for receiving high test score among the field of students.  Overall his testing illustrated the strength in technique and spirit that is exemplary for this award.


Congratulations to Mr. Eckhardt and all the other Trinity students.

Additional photos of the event can be viewed in our on-line gallery.


Mr. Avila (A-6-137)

Published in Trinity News
Saturday, 19 September 2009 01:00

2009 Wyoming Invitational Tournament Results

Trinity Taekwon-Do recognizes Mrs. Kathy Lynch and Miss Laura Pantleo for their recent accomplishments at the Wyoming Invitational Tournament.

On Saturday, September 19th 2009, these ladies competed in sparring and patterns competitions.  Both Trinity students fared well and their performances were fantastic.

Miss Laura Pantelo, 1st Gup, received 2nd place in combined girls and boys red/black belt sparring. Her final match was against a 2nd Dan black belt and she really gave him a "run for the money".

Mrs. Kathy Lynch, 2nd Gup, received 2nd place in ladies sparring and patterns.  Here dedication to consistent training and strong fitness allowed her to push hard throughout her match.

Congratulations to each of this Trinity ladies in their accomplishments.

Next Step... Grandmaster Sereff Championships in October...
Published in Trinity News
Sunday, 16 August 2009 01:00

Mr. Curt Prewitt - Leadville 100

Trinity Taekwon-Do honors Mr. Curt Prewitt, 4th Dan Black Belt, for his recent accomplishment in completion of the Leadville 100.

On Sunday, August 16th 2009, Mr. Prewitt competed in the legendary Leadville 100. This 100 mile Mountain bike ride is a pinnacle of competition and personal endurance.  After training for several weeks (more like months), Mr. Prewitt completed the race with minutes to spare as a qualifier for the event.


When asked about the event, Mr. Prewitt said "Its the hardest mental and physical challenge that I've ever done.".

Hats off to Mr. Prewitt for his perseverance and strength in completing this race.  Just another milestone of achievement for Mr. Prewitt this year as he was earlier promoted to 4th Dan just this year.

Congratulations to Mr. Prewitt!...

Published in Trinity News
Saturday, 08 August 2009 01:00

Community Service Aug 8 2009


On Saturday, August 9 2009, Trinity Taekwon-Do Instructors, student and their families joined together to clean up Community Park in Broomfield, Colorado.

As part of our commitment towards community service, we all worked together in the early afternoon Colorado sunshine to clean up so that all an enjoy the park and its facilities.


Joining us on this work project was:

Ms. Laura Pantleo
Mr Trey Cantebury
Miss Kylee Michlemeyer
Mr. Giovanni Tin
Mr. Jason Eckhardt
Miss Megan Yeo
Mr. Nathan Yeo
Mr. Thomas Oliver
Miss Ella and Miss Anjolie Konrath
Mr. Joe Patten
Mr. Jayson Boychek
Ms. Jodie Einslie
Mr. Paul Hicks
Miss Michelle and Rebecca Shu
Mr Ricardo and Miss Andrea Rodriquez
Mr. Nathan and Mrs. Megan Neidig
Mrs. Kathy Lynch
Mr. Jacob Miller
Mr. Ray Young
Mr. Charles and Mr. Seth Avila
Master Robery Neidig and Mrs Pam Neidig

Special thanks to those family members of our students that joined us on this day.  A great example of school spirit and support. Taekwon!

Everyone stay tuned to email correspondence on our next activity in the park.


Mr. Charles Avila, A-6-137


Published in Trinity News
Sunday, 12 July 2009 16:03

Paying It Forward

The founder of Taekwon-Do, General Choi Hong Hi, defined Taekwon-Do moral culture as: Travel, Mountain Climbing, Cold Showers and Bath; Public Service and Ettiquette.

Community Service work has always been a core element of Taekwon-Do students black belt testing requirements.

To enable our students to achieve their goals and participate in community service in their own community, Trinity has adopted a park in the City of Broomfield.

Published in Trinity News
Tuesday, 18 December 2007 14:32

Trinity Success


Our Student's Success is our Pride!

It is through our student's achievements that is the true measure of our success.

All Smiles

Trinity Taekwon-Do regularly participates in regional competitions and while students routinely place high in individual and team medal rankings, it's not all about the medals or trophies.  Real success is the long-lived changes that these medals and trophies only highlight through these physical accomplishments.

The true marker of changes is clearly evident in the testimonial of many of our students as reveal through these parents comments.

"We have three children enrolled at Trinity Taekwon-Do. While they are all very different, they have all benefited immensely in their own unique ways with their experience at this school. Self-confidence has skyrocketed, they have all learned a sense of belonging and camaraderie with this wonderful, caring group of people.

All of the instructors at Trinity Taekwon-Do, Master Neidig, Mrs. Neidig, and Mr. Avila have always shown caring, concern, and sensitivity to the kids’ individual needs while providing excellent training and instilling a sense of self-worth for each child. All three of these instructors certainly provide an outstanding role model for our children and all of the students at the school. It is a wonderful experience to watch the class grow from young white belts who, over time, mature and are given opportunities by the instructors to become leaders within the class. 

The most dramatic change we have seen is in our son, Alex, who was generally shy and unsure of himself. Over the past three years, Alex has grown into a self-confident young man who readily expresses his pride in his accomplishments. We see this confidence throughout all of his activities now and attribute this change to his joining Trinity Taekwon-Do. " - Susan and Paul Santilli

Read more student and parent testimonials here

Taekwon-Do Can Change You Too

Many students at Trinity Taekwon-Do started martial arts classes as adolescents and have grown up into young adults during their time at Trinity Taekwon-Do.  Most have achieved great success along the way.  Specific examples include:

  • Mr. Spenser Burrows received scholarships awards to a local college and credits the benefits of Taekwon-Do focus and self-control to his continued success in his collegiate studies.
  • Ms. Rachel Dye attributes her success in equestrian dressage to the strength, flexibility and balance training that Taekwon-Do provides.
  • The benefits of routine flexibility and strength training has helped Ms. Landry Burrows become a member of the professional ballet troupe, Ballet Nouveau Colorado.

Don't wait, come visit and start now to improve your life or the life of your child.


Published in FPSupp
Tuesday, 18 December 2007 14:32

The Trinity Difference


Martial arts classes at Trinity Taekwon-Do is a unique experience: A blend of superior martial arts training within a positive, disciplined learning environment focusing on the student's growth and improvement.

Trinity Taekwon-Do offers the the following benefits:



  1. Superior Martial Arts Instruction

    At Trinity Tae Kwon Do students get the opportunity to train with dedicated Taekwon-Do instructors and receive personal instruction from Master Robert Neidig, Jr, 8th Degree Black Belt.  Master Neidig can be routinely found teaching white through Black Belt students every week.  This is a great opportunity as many schools are taught and/or run by junior black belts.

    At Trinity Taekwon-Do, the head instructors (Master Neidig (VIII), Mrs. Neidig (VII), and Mr. Avila (VI)) comprise over 70 years of personal martial arts experience.  Balanced by a cadre of certified and helpful junior instructors, every student at Trinity Taekwon-Do can feel like class is an opportunity for personal instruction.

    If you are interested in focused personal instruction, Trinity Taekwon-Do is for you.
  2. Disciplined yet Encouraging

    Discipline and etiquette are a big part of martial arts training at Trinity Taekwon-Do. While students must maintain to the rigor or courtesy and respect, the instruction and environment is filled with fun and positive encouragement.

    In life some things are easy and some are hard. The same can be said for Taekwon-Do and students. Some students find learning Taekwon-Do a breeze while others are challenged.

    At Trinity Taekwon-Do, both the athletic superstar and challenged students are lifted up and praised for their hard work and efforts.

    More than ever, children need positive encouragement in a world that continually says "No.. you can't do that!".

    At Trinity Taekwon-Do "WE CARE ABOUT ALL OUR STUDENTS".

  3. Inexpensive Student Programs

    For over 20 years Trinity Taekwon-Do has been offering martial arts instruction for a personal expense that is an affordable option to the other programs. 

    *** NO CONTRACTS ***
    At Trinity Taekwon-Do there is no requirement for a high priced contract or long term commitment.

    We won't offer you a guarantee to become a black belt if you pay us thousands of dollars. 

    Attaining a Black Belt only comes with hard work and training which requires a very personal commitment to the endeavor.

    Classes at Trinity Taekwon-Do can be joined at anytime.  We offer month-to-month membership and extended training packages at an affordable cost. The choice to continue in martial arts is yours and entirely up to you.

So Why Choose Trinity Taekwon-Do?

Martial arts instruction at Trinity Taekwon-Do is more the kicking and punching, it's a caring, family-oriented and  supportive adventure in martial arts that yields a miriad of benefits just waiting to be discovered.

But you don't have to believe us, come and see for yourself.

Or better yet, read about the success stories and testimonials that some of our student's parents have to say.



Published in FPSupp
Tuesday, 18 December 2007 09:11

Learn Taekwon-Do


Martial arts training benefits both young and old in a vast variety of ways. These include: improved health, flexibility, balance, self-esteem and character growth.

For over 20 years Trinity Taekwon-Do has been helping children, adults and families realize their full personal potential. Through martial arts training at Trinity Taekwon-Do, students grow both physically and mentally through the benefits of marital arts. If your considering martial arts for yourself or your child, Trinity Taekwon-Do can help you improve your health, flexibility, balance, self-esteem, awareness. A myriad of benefits awaits.

Visit our page on classes to learn more.

Published in FPSupp
Monday, 17 December 2012 00:00

Class Information



Trinity Taekwon-Do offers classes for every age and skill with many opportunities to train throughout the week.

Two (2) classes are held four (4) days a week at the Broomfield Community Center (see Schedule & Location below).


Visitors and guests are always welcome to come, watch and ask questions. For more information on classes, request a brochure from the Trinity Message Center or email  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

2018 Class Schedule & Location
The following opportunities are available for students to participate in Taekwon-Do training.
  Junior Class Advanced Class Combined Class
Monday: 6:45pm - 7:45pm 7:45pm - 9:15pm  
Wednesday: 6:45pm - 7:45pm 7:45pm - 9:15pm  
Friday:     5:30pm - 7:00pm **
Saturday: 1:00pm - 2:00pm 2:15pm - 4:00pm  
Note **: This classes (Friday) focus is for Red belts and above.  White belt students are encouraged to attend Monday, Wednesday and Saturday classes.
Junior Class
This class  is generally less strenuous than the Advanced class and emphasizes development of all the same Taekwon-Do techniques but in a manner and pace suitable for younger kids.  Students (white through blue belts) are encouraged to always try hard and perform at the best of thier ability.
Advanced Class
Participants in this class are guided through advanced physical conditioning and Taekwon-Do training focused on development of superior self-defense skills.  Students (white through black belt) can expect to be trained by certified senior ranking Instructors (6th DAN and above) in all aspects of Taekwon-Do development and practice.

Location Mapquest Directions

Broomfield Community Center (BCC)
280 Spader Way
Broomfield, CO
(Ph: 720.420.0950)

Click Here for Directions
Published in FPSupp
Saturday, 15 December 2007 00:00

Trinity Home

Greetings from the instructors and students of Trinity Taekwon-Do.

Under the guidance of Master Robert M. Neidig, Jr. VIII Dan, Trinity Taekwon-Do offers over 80 years of combined instructional experience among it senior instructors. New and returning students are welcome at any time and guests are encouraged to come by, ask questions or watch.

Trinity Taekwon-Do has been located in Broomfield, Colorado at the Broomfield Recreation Center (BCC) for over 20 years and strives to share the benefits of Taekwon-Do martial art with persons of all ages and walks of life. Whether for self-defense, physical fitness or fun, Taekwon-Do is a year-round activity that can be shared among family members.

InfoFor specific class and address information, visit our Class Information page.



Learn more about Trinity Taekwon-Do and Taekwon-Do by visiting our Resource Center.



Find answers to common questions in our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Center.

For additional information about Trinity Taekwon-Do or ask us some specific questions at our Message Center.

See video and additional content on YouTube.

Join Trinity Taekwon-Do (RMTA-Colorado) Facebook to see additional content.



This site also provides secure access for students and instructors to view online materials to assist in their Taekwon-Do Training.

Trinity Taekwon-Do proudly displays the insignia of the International Taekwon-Do Federation in memory of the late General Choi Hong Hi (1918-2002) the founder of modern Taekwon-Do.
Published in Trinity Home
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